The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated our expansion into new markets. In this article you can read about the impact of the crisis on our company and the new course we are taking.
Greener started in 2018 by making the power supply at festivals more sustainable, using mega batteries. Since its inception, Greener has supplied more than 80 festivals either partially or completely with clean electricity.
In just two years’ time, we have prevented the use of more than 250,000 litres of diesel.
This is enough to go back and forth to the moon seven times, or 125 times around the world. That’s quite an achievement, we think! But we will not get there only by making festivals more sustainable.
Our goal: deliver fossil-free energy everywhere
That’s why Greener set a new goal last year: to be able to deliver fossil-free energy everywhere.
With this new objective, we are not only looking at festivals, but also at construction sites, ports and airports, grid operators and offshore. In short, locations where diesel generators are now often the (only) obvious solution. For a number of sectors we have set up specific services that we can tailor-make.
Broadening of the service with EMS software
In order to obtain a good return from existing energy sources and our batteries, Greener is developing an Energy Management System (EMS).
We are already using this system. 24/7, it registers how much power is generated and how much is consumed. The system analyzes this data and recognizes trends, and controls the energy sources present on site in real time. It also takes stock of the energy flows from the battery. This results in the most efficient supply of continuous power.
Furthermore, by comparing project data, we are able to forecast energy demand in advance in order to design and set up smart grids, never using too many batteries. In some cases, this allows us to avoid up to 100% of the CO2 emissions that would otherwise have been released. This intelligent power planning will play an increasingly important role in our services in the future.
Phased expansion of our fleet
The changed circumstances caused by COVID-19 requires us to accelerate our expansion to markets other than festivals. Fortunately, we were already working on this change of course so we have been able to adapt to the changes in demand. For example, this year: we have supplied off-grid power to a holiday park for several months; we provided back up power for maintenance work on data centers; we provided power to glamping sites and restaurants; and we provided grid balancing services to the electric transmission operator Tennet.
Our success in adapting to changing circumstances means that we our company continues to grow. We are adding 30 new batteries to our existing fleet of thirteen. And by the spring of 2021 we will be able to supply 15 MWh of mobile storage capacity, which will allow us to meet the demand for sustainable electricity at any location.