Main results
- Clean battery power for test centers.
- Fuel savings of 300-800 litres diesel per location per day.
- Reliable power at locations.
- Total diesel savings: 265,780l
- Total savings from running hours: 27,173h
- Total savings of CO2 emissions: 858,5 tons
COVID-19 test locations all over the country
To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, testing is a crucial part. However, it is also an organizational challenge, with test centers needed all over the country. To accommodate the people, who need testing, big test centers all over the Netherlands had been put in place. These centers were often at locations, where no sufficient energy supply was available.
16 batteries at 8 locations
With the help of Greener, the energy supply could be secured. At 8 different testing locations, a total of 16 batteries was installed as energy supply. 2 batteries each were used at test centers in the following cities in the Netherlands: Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Groningen, Maastricht, Tilburg, and Zwolle. Depending on the available grid connection, the set-ups for the different locations were chosen. These included batteries used for peakshaving, loadsharing, and cycling. One or two generators were normally only necessary when no grid connection was available, or a back-up generator was added to ensure that power failure will not occur.