Main results
- Came up with an efficient solution to safeguard nature
- Carrying out a five-year project emission free
Maintenance work along the river
The Netherlands and water go hand in hand. Proper maintenance of its rivers is therefore crucial. Like the River Eem in the north of Utrecht. Van den Biggelaar, a specialist in land and water engineering, is carrying out maintenance work here on behalf of the province. But this riverside project comes with two challenges:
How do you efficiently carry out maintenance along a river that stretches for kilometres, without harming the surrounding nature?
And how do you do this emission free, as requested by the provincial government?
A floating battery
Van den Biggelaar and Greener are providing a sustainable solution. All necessary electric construction machinery, along with a Greener battery, is placed on a pontoon, a kind of floating platform. Van den Biggelaar moves the pontoon through the river using an electric pusher boat so the machines can perform the maintenance work from the water. And it’s all powered by our battery.
At the end of the day, the pontoon sails back to its charging station along the river. Here the battery and the EVs are recharged through the grid connection, ensuring they’re ready for the next day.
The renovation project has a duration of five years. This is because the work is only done during winter, when there’s much less tourism on the river. The construction site hut also runs on electricity. So even in the cold wintry weather, the construction workers can enjoy a warm cup of coffee, emission free.
Greener is proud to be part of such a long-term and sustainable project, with zero emissions.